Another delivery
Nice new tank courtesy of Mr Les Harris and Co.
Balanced it on, just to look, after making some room for the dismantle and painting
Back mudguard will need a few unused holes welding up.
Remember how the back wheel was centred up using a few washers. The speedo drive will be off the front wheel now and as the old seized original drive (that would take up this space) has been binned a specer is required.
I don’t have a lathe so elbow grease is required to make a spacer. Using a saved bobbin from the old swingarm (same internal diameter as the rear spindle so fits nicely), measure the length required using the washers.
Wrap some tape round as this will stay, sort of, square for a guide.
Using one’s favourite cutting implement (a bread knife just won’t do it and it wouldn’t be too good at cutting bread after anyhow) cut the required length as square as possible. Phew…
Then measure against the pile of washers using a vernier measuring thing. (They are cheap on Amazonian and are really handy for all sorts of things). Find any high spots and file away.
Keep changing the angle of the piece in the vice and watch the file make grain lines as it takes the metal away. Get the grain lines all the way round the spacer and then change the angle in the vice.
Keep going until the correct thickness is achieved and it’s the same all the way round. I got this one to about 3 hundredths of a millimemtre around so happy with that. Take off the sharp edge.
Do the same for the other side and stick the wheel back in to check.
Spun the wheel and checked against the marked centreline of the frame.
While I was there I checked the dimensions of the tyre (I really don’t like these Avon whatsits). This rear measures 95mm across it’s widest part.
I would like a wider tyre and am looking to put some TrailmaxTTs on. The rear 18" ones are 110 or 120 so I checked the available space from the existing tyre to the swingarm and to the rear sprocket.
I’d built the wheel pulling the rim over to the right side and have achieved 20mm gap between tyre and sprocket, and another 20mm between the tyre and the right side of the swingarm! Blimey, that was more luck than judgement.
I’ll get the 120mm tyre as that’s only12.5mm wider each side and i have 20mm. A 120 will balloon out a bit going onto a 2.15" WM3 rim but I should be ok.
So now there’s a pile of bits and stuff to prepare and paint.
Bits of welding to do on the not wanted holes in the mudguards and seat unit, grinding those lugs off of the top yoke. Then paint.