We are heading that way in May.
Eating too many mince pies and quality street so went down the garage and made a thing.
Triumph T140 Bonneville piston and a BSA A65 Lightning conrod (a TRIBSA door knocker )
All ready to screw up and keep the postman entertained.
Peaked too early mate.
That’s just too clever (and beautiful!) for words!
Hope your postie gets a “kick” out of using it!
Let the puns and wordplay begin?
I’ve had this hanging around for a while
Custom Sportster tank that’s had it’s usual central filler welded up and erm… a ‘chimney’ filler welded in.
Went to an awful lot of trouble to also weld in a gauge level tube and then painted it matt black - I just hate engines/bikes that are matt black. It’s just lazy.
Gonna cut the chimney off and weld in a neck for a cap. Using as a canvas for some paint ideas on the street tracker.
I’ve no idea why someone would want a filler to be like this. Looks stupid on the tank and looks even more stupid on a bike.
Agreed! I’m certain it’ll look a lot better once you’re done with it!
Today I have been reminiscing about this years adventures and new friends made.
Cheers @Hubaxe and @Vulpes
An honour and privilege making your aquaintance, good sir!
Yes, that was a pleasure.
We didn’t hit the road all together but anyway, do we need that to share meals and beer?
A post was split to a new topic: Insurance shopping
Bet it’s a feat keeping the dog so clean in that weather . I hope you and Jefta are having a wonderful Christmas break
Ours went straight in the shower after her morning constitutional.
Funnily enough it takes only half an hour for her to dry up and shed all the mud…
Testing my new North Ridge lite walking boots, shop said wear them in the house for a few hours ………
So I did. Bloody socks were £18 for a pair, reduced from £26!! Never in my life I paid so much. In fact they were as dear as some full boots I’d have had!!
The fashion for 2025 right there.