Today I have mostly been

Bit chilly for the garage so while waiting for the overnight cold to dissipate, I do a bit pf painting in the mornings. Finished this one so off down the garage this’arbo


The Americans, in particular, seem to have a tendency to over-use and abuse the word “awesome”.

I have to say, though, that your work - and especially your artwork - is truly and literally AWESOME. It’s original, creative, innovative and usually poignant, too - as well as being utterly beautifully executed.

AWESOME indeed.


Absolutely wonderful job… again! :heart_eyes:


A post was split to a new topic: Ulverston loop

You could have saved some money and bought a mirror that wasn’t so tall Eric


Cleaning and proofing my boots… some ominous cracks appearing in the upper toe creases… I didn’t think they had done too bad for 11 year old boots, but disappointed that this is the way they will die, rather than the lateral anterior soles being warn away by some spectacularly skilful cornering techniques… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::wink:


‘Banding’ my wheels!!


Very neat. Lots of questions:
Going for wider tyres I assume, on what? Custom, Hotrod, Dragster? Or just as a flowerpot base in the garden?
How did you bend the steel into a circle to fit? Mainly why? Not a sock rack…

1920’s murder mystery!

Happy new year you all!


Was it you what done it?

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No, but that scoundrel to my far right!!! :face_with_monocle:

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It’s for my little fun car, Seat Arosa ‘Rossa’ tdi. Can’t find any nice alloys that don’t give it the yob look and had a spare set of steel Vw up rims £15 for the full set so i thought why not. Only changed from 5J to 6.5J which is the standard size for the arosa alloys they come with so nothing wild although the et is now18 not 43 as on the std alloys.
The steel band was gulitine cut at 40mm and as it’s 2mm thick (same matched to rim) was quite easily wrapped just round the smallest diameter of the rim by hand

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I thought he looked a bit shifty. That lass is keeping her eye on on him, the bounder.


“nothing wild” just a sleeper :slightly_smiling_face:
I’d never heard of them but then I’ve not much knowledge on cars. But i think I found yours

Cool little ‘fun’ car - I want one now :smile:


That one is just MENTAL. Seen it before actually and it reminds me of the American fun and frolics of ‘coal rolling’. Check that one out.

Looks like there’s a trend to ‘Roll Coal’ on every Tesla. Seems like fun.

I assume that photo was from Santa Pod on the VDub weekend. I must get a visit there for Dragstalgia as I haven’t been for yonks. Hogslayer was running again last year - I must try to get there this year.

Never actually been as it’s not my thing, in fact any racing isn’t. I’m just happy as a scruffy fixer in dirty overalls with like a distant Allen Millyard theme


Started renovating an old guitar that my grandson picked up for £20. It was in a really bad way, with all the fixing rusted and the neck and fret board in poor shape. Managed to get it stripped down and started with some initial tlc. A long way to go with all the chrome bits.

I have ordered new pickguard, pickups and switches. And new chrome screws for all the new bits. Just waiting now for the postman to bring all the new bits, so can start the rebuild.


Cool - don’t forget to make sure the neck is straight and the frets aren’t too worn if it’s an old one.

Thanks for the heads up, will definitely check that out.

The neck has had a lot of tlc today, with all the frets checked and polished and the wood wax polished. It looks a hell of a lot better than when I started this morning.