Today I have mostly been

A strat copy?

Did you order the scalloped neck :upside_down_face:?

British guitarist Ritchie Blackmore still had some sense … and he only made it halfway up the fretboard.

Swedish guitarist Yngview Malsteen, of course … copied the idea and also needed to take it to a whole new level (and whole fretboard).

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One easy and unexpensive mod. for Strats … making it a bit special.

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Nice. If I had a Strat I’d definitely consider one of those.

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I watched a guy on youtube repair a few guitars. He fixed Willie Nelson’s, then I watched a few more, cos its calming. He would have some great hints and tips for you, probably.
I also follow a guy restoring Wrist Watches, very relaxing.


As I was in the Fender Flagship in Tokyo, I gave a try to both models, the Blackmore and the Malmsteen.
The Malmsteen is unplayable, honestly. And it’s overpriced (around 3-4k)
The Blackmore with a less scalloped neck is very good. Very playable, easy to shred through. And the 2 overwounded pickups are dark chocolate! Very intense. Loved it.
The Flagship manager (american) saw me trying both, and as I left asked me about. I told him all my disappointment over the Malmsteen Strat. He then told me “I shoudn’t say that but I agree” :smile:

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Just received my retirement calculation (not requested).
Should be fully retired in exactly 8 years, at 63 1/2.
And if I work 1 year more, I can have an 100 EUR/month. :smile:
Not sure I’ll still have a job in 8 years. And they can have the extra 100 eur, I won’t work more than I should. I have a very long to do list for the after work life.


Very sensible! I made the same choice!


Me too. Not regretted a single day…!
@Dawsy must be nearly there now…?


I retired at 63 as well - I was working for a “friend” and he was being a particularly bad pain in the arse one day, and I just thought… that’s it, I’m out of here.

Best decision ever!


Thanks @Arctic_fox. Yes it is a strat copy.
My grandson is coming over today and we are going to have a look at the chrome hardware. Hopefully the bits I have ordered will show up in the next couple of days, by which time we should be in a position to start the rebuild.


Yup! April 18, Good Friday, is my last official day but I will have leave to take before that! :smile::smile:



April 18th -

Goodbye Tension
Hello Pension!


I can but dream of the day…


You being a spring chicken, it could be a while :grinning:


But frighteningly…it comes around blooming quickly…!


I found that it took a painfully long time for retirement to arrive, but time has gone disconcertingly fast ever since… :hourglass:


You’re not the first to say that, others have when I’ve whinged - hopefully it’s because you’re enjoying retirement. I am not going to wish my time moves faster, but just wish that work could be of the low stress variety until then :laughing: :laughing:.


My predecessor at work was off for three months with stress before I took over. I survived the job afterwards for six years, but it was certainly a relief when I finally escaped!


@Wessa , if I should improve something easily on a Strat copy, it would be the electronic cavity shielding. Maybe you already planned that.
No need to buy expensive copper shielding, some aluminium foil from the kitchen will do fine, so far it’s connected to the ground.

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