Today I have mostly been

Story of my life…

Just looked at Anlas bike tyres in the link from above somewhere. Those are the only ones that would be beneficial as it has the delicate grooves which is just as important as well as the chunky tread. I can see those working but it won’t be me putting it to the test!!

On another note I always run winter/snow tyres on my car/van as the difference it makes is nearly black and white. They work better on steel rims than alloy as they would withstand a good old thump! Where I live I laugh at people stuck on summer tyres and especially if it’s a typical Chelsea tractor four wheel drive that’s been abandoned!


rehearsal around Annecy. A few km later it was -10°…



List of songs from rehearsal…

A hazy shade of winter - S&G
Cold as ice - Foreigner
Trapped under ice - Metallica
And of course…
Ice ice baby - Vanilla ice


I absolutely love annecy!
Tbh, id never heard anything about it before we stopped off on a bike trip.
Simply Beautiful.
2 mates in the pic


I’ll add Cold Bitch from Soundgarden :laughing:


I reckon the Bangles version would be more up Hubaxe’s icy street. Come to think of it , he does look a bit like Susanna Hoffs.* Must be the hair.

*he doesn’t

Renewing my MAG membership, having my eyes stared at by machines that look like 70’s sci-fi contraptions, and chasing up someone at Triumph…


Been at work today for a change, then raced home to drill holes in and fit a slightly smaller number plate to my 'blade. The other one could be seen from space at least (I know that for a fact, someone on the International Space Station called to tell me so*).

*That may be a lie.

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Still not had chance to ride it, @MrsVisor ?:worried:

Shocking behaviour…hooligans, hooligans everywhere


“We come from the land of the ice and snow …”


Taking a stroll round our old lockdown circuit. Difference now is that the pub halfway round is open😁


Earning shekels. Drinking coffee. Reading more emails from Google that explain what else I need to do for the forum to be authorised to use their systems and data (for user authentication and YouTube). Happy days.

Edit: The Google thing is to enable that option to log on using your Google account, should you want to. The YouTube bit is enabling forum members to upload video directly when posting here.


Today I have been waiting to find a car parking space at the local hospital. I don’t know why but I reckon people leave their brains and manners at home when the drive to hospital. I don’t know what it is like in your area but getting parked is a nightmare at our local hospital. Anyway I had left loads of time to get parked and in for my appointment, something like 40 mins early. I was getting set for the long wait and they called my name. In and out with the consultant with 20 minutes before my appointment time; a real result :slightly_smiling_face:


Opposite problem, Mrs w is a nurse so our cars are registered as staff cars, when we took our daughter (who has downs syndrome) for a brain scan recently we got a ticket for parking a staff car in the public parking area.

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No…1c max and utterly fog - bound today. Weekend looks dry, 6c and OK though :crossed_fingers:. If v good could ride Striple and new one :partying_face:.


Today I worked from home and went out for the root canal I have been waiting for for 12 months…to not have it. From my x - rays reviewed before I arrived, the roots are not straight and one is very close to my sinus, so too risky. So I have a referral to a (very expensive) specialist to review. I suspect I will opt for extraction for financial reasons as there’s only so much I’ll pay to save a tooth that is at the back so won’t be seen, but extraction carries the same risk as filling so still needs a specialist. What does irk me is the x rays were taken a year ago, July at a check up and pre Christmas when I got that awful infection, so not new information.

Why is that a good idea for anyone to want to do? Why would you want Big Corp involved in monitoring and controlling your life any more than it already does?

Today been booking accommodation for me and Mrs Mouse’s Ireland trip in June :slight_smile: