What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Oh goody! More fantsstic rebuild stories!


Still looking for a good one?

I’ll get my coat…

4 posts were split to a new topic: Silver Fox rideout

Made the mistake of venturing out on Bank Holiday! Normally you can avoid the worst of the traffic but today was mental. Up through Coniston wasn’t too bad, Ambleside was choked, Keswick ok but talking to a few guys who had come from Maryport who said the A66 was five miles of traffic :astonished:
After a delicious sausage and egg bun at the Filling Station we headed to Penrith and the motorway roundabout was jammed. Got on the Shap road and that was fine but the A590 was solid in places.
Speedy staying in garage on BH’s in future!


I’ve always found the Lake District to be very beautiful, but the number of cars on the roads, at least on the main routes, spoils it for me as a place to have much of a motorcycle ride, being constantly baulked by traffic, so I don’t go there very often. I remember that the Filling Station cafe is very good, but it’s too far to go just for that!


Western Lakes is not too bad. Every time we get back into Cumbria from Scotland the two biggest differences I notice are the road surface is far worse and there is way too many cars!

Wow, it must be bad down there then.


Exactly my thoughts from Wales. Achingly beautiful, but unable to enjoy it. That was mid July mind so I imagine about the worst time to visit on a bike.


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Another nice day out today for Helmut and I - I took the Street Triple again and he took his Multistrada. We ventured across the border to Wales - first stop was Baffle Haus to have a coffee and meet a friend:

Then we went across to the Owl’s Nest in Llandovery for a bite to eat where we bumped into another friend who was up to some off - road stuff and home via Builth Wells.

The roads weren’t too busy at all for a bank holiday and anything slow was overtaken in fairly short order (likely the clouds, showers and far - from - tropical temperature had something to do with it!!) so we had lots of fun on the lovely Welsh roads.


There is one place I see there that I couldn’t have rode through without stopping for a photo of the sign :rofl:

It’s no surprise that people stop for a selfie at the sign daily, very often 3 blokes :rofl:

After breakfast I went out for about 3 hours to get this week’s bike fix. Was glad of my heated grips and that I thought to wear a jumper. Hope next year’s summer is better than this one’s!


Amen to that!

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According to Auntie Been the local forecast for me is sunny from Saturday for next ten days.:crossed_fingers::grinning:
It must be true if it’s on the Beeb​:crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Take a photo for us… I forgot what sunny looks like :joy:

It’s yet to be confirmed!

Well last year to date I’d got 2.970 Kwh out of my solar panels. Ytd it’s 2.519… :rage:

yeah, but on a plus you must have got more energy from your windmill? Oops, stereotyping again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You’re never there to use that electricity anyway. :wink:

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