90 miles paid for by work - @wattie , there’s a windmill in that picture!
4 posts were split to a new topic: Drilled exhaust baffles
A new bloke on the block lurking around at the back.
The others aren’t talking to him yet but he’ll settle in I think.
Intrigued to see how he blends in😊
That is a brilliant wiring diagram.
Do you know why the hooter and the oil light are switched on the earth side, when all the other stuff is (as you would expect) switched on the live side?
Thanks @BigJock23 - I’ve still gotta draw it out properly so it’s easier to read.
I’ve no idea why I’ve shown it like that other than that’s how the oil light and hooters are originally built on these bikes. The oil sender switch screws into the engine, the original hooter button earths onto the handle bars so I’ve left them like that. Maybe it’s a leftover from the positive earth days of these machines.
I’m no electrical expert in the least but I really wanted to do it myself so breaking it down into each circuit from the ignition key position makes it easier for me to 1) understand and 2) wire up the thing myself.
Maybe you can advise on getting it better, I’m always eager to learn. I generally just make it up as I go along. There’s at least half a dozen bikes around wired up like above so hopefully they aren’t about to expire otherwise I’ll have to move…
I think sometimes they just made the wiring up as they improved the bikes and added things. I’m pretty good with electrics, but not much experience on bikes. Never understood why they used 6v instead of the rest of the mobile world on 12v.
Makes perfect sense when you say the oil switch screws into the block: it’s a natural earth so the live is connected to the other side and when the switch makes then the live is earthed. Same for the hooter.
If you want that drawing tidied up I can do that, enjoy a bit of 2D drawing on the 'puter. I would just copy it though, it’s already T.A.F.
I would guess it was down to cost and many of the bikes then had magneto ignition and a dynamo so it only needed to power the lights and a horn as they didn’t have indicators either.
Took the Nightstorm out for a run with Mrs Visor on her Street Triple, she had to stay fairly local but my plan once she turned for home was to do a quick 60-100 mile route to give the Nightstorm a bit of a run out. Unfortunately on leg 2 of our local trip the ABS light came on, had a quick check and can’t see anything obvious but decided not to go any further so back home and very few miles achieved
I’m going to tweak it slightly for this one as it should have a three phase stator and corresponding regulator (ie just add an extra wire between them) that later year (1979 onwards) T140s have.
I’ll then post it and yes, would be good if you can sort a nicely drawn one. Thanks
finally got my Carbon Fibre front mudguard fitted to my liking. Originally for the early model Tiger, I’ve modded it to fit my 2019 Tiger Sport.
Also fitted a SW Motech gear shift lever
Pics don’t seem to be showing mate
@BigJock23 (if you are feeling like you can make it pretty and more understandable) and anyone else who may be interested.
Wiring diagram with some annotations:
A simple diagram for my simple mind. The central dotted line is connected as the ignition key is turned. I’ve put a fuse on every circuit but that’s because I’ve bought a fuse box for the latest build, I’d normally just have one fuse for each ignition wire (that’ll be three then).
I find this really helpful when wiring bikes as I can tick off each circuit as I go. It now takes me a couple of days to wire a complete bike. And they work (which is an added bonus).
The finished diagram might be worth putting in the workshop somehwere…
This morning I found a nice two lane road with a good view
By the time I’d stopped for the tenth time to open a gate I was glad to be back on the single track roads.
Shouldn’t keep riding up people’s drives just 'cos the satnav tells you to.
I haven’t quite worked it out yet but I’m thinking of how we can have a workshop reference library, if people think that might be useful. Links, PDFs and wiki-style posts so a bit different to the usual threads.
Sounds ideal.
But would need to be cautious with posting pdf’s, I’m sure many of us have extensive libraries that contravene copyright.
Yes, I had considered that. Most information is online anyway so can be linked rather than uploaded if it’s relevant to a post. PDFs we have would be the exception - old wiring diagrams that are out of print, for example. Provided we’re not taking the mickey I’ll risk a takedown notice.