What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Brilliant photo. :+1:

Superb shot :heart_eyes:

Pure class! Mother nature sure knows how to wow you from time to time :heart_eyes:

No spark, no problemo, sorted and runs quite well now. Not much else is going to happen to this for the time being so dropping the fuel out.

Tank off and evaporating the dribbles in the sun (blimey, it’s a bit warm today, phew…) must remember to drain the float chambers too.


Sorry for disappearing there. I’ve attached my first bash at your previous drawing. I’ve got scales and things a bit wrong (it’s been a while) but will redo it a bit better as per your drawing above.
Triumph Classic Wiring.pdf (100.7 KB)


Brilliant! I really like that. Have saved it and will get the Admin Staff to print a few off for me.
I tend to get through a few copies while I’m wiring as I tick sections off as I go.
Thanks for doing that. Hopefully others will find it helpful as well.
Chuffed :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll try and improve it a bit, get the fonts bigger and more readable.


Had to run an errand for the mrs., so took advantage of the nice weather and rode home along the River Vecht.


Took the Tiger to the dealer for a software update, and got to play with this for a few hours. Nice, flickable machine.


I like the Trident but it looks like the designer got to the rear mudguard area at lunchtime on a Friday and thought “Ah feck it, that’ll do.!”


Its gets fun when you rev the tits off it :+1:

It does rather need that!

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Collected a saddle for the mrs. 90 miles there, 90 back.


Go on… you were tempted, weren’t you :rofl:

Weather was nice so I spent 5 hours emptying a tank of petrol on a couple of my ‘normal’ routes. Must admit that after about 3 hours my back and other parts were complaining somewhat. Don’t know if that’s just down to the lack of suspension and crap roads, or if I’ve not fully recovered from 3 nights camping at the beginning of the week.

As I got back, a neighbour popped their head over the fence waving this at me…

I recoiled in horror, thinking ‘nooooo, not another bloody courgette’. (We’re having them in at least one meal a day and Mrs Mouse is spending a small fortune on vinegar and sugar to ‘use up’ her glut making chutney.)

Turns out it’s a cucumber which neighbour has a glut of and as it isn’t something Mrs Mouse grows she’s accepted the offer of one, to eat and get seeds from. Phew.


I hardly dared read on, but curiosity got the better of me :rofl:.

Brown Mouse hasn’t sat down since…

Well, my mini trip turned out to be very mini indeed. Yesterday the weather was gorgeous, so I spent all day out on some cracking roads in Wales - had breakfast at the Honey Cafe in Bronllys, then went a massively convoluted way to Llandovery for a toastie at the Owl’s Nest mid - afternoon.

There were some really cracking roads to the campsite from Llandovery (about a 40 mile ride if you don’t miss a turn…longer if you take the wrong turning down a narrow steep lane which is then closed and have to execute the sketchiest u turn of your life :flushed:) to a really friendly welcome - I had cheated and booked a “cabin” for £30 rather than be bothered with a tent for a night when chances are it would be wet (I know, soft). I hadn’t been here before - it was brilliant; they offer free lifts into the village to shop or go to the pub, have a van where they cook food to order and the facilities are really basic but really clean. There were a fair few people there yesterday (I was an early arrival - it filled up after I took my pics!), all men apart from one couple where the lady had ridden pillion on a '23 plate Hayabusa (braver woman than I!!), but it had a nice atmosphere. A group were there without bikes as well and declared my bike “tiny” - I suppose it did look small amongst the adventure bikes and sports tourers :rofl:.

The weather up until yesterday evening was meant to be showery, clearing by 0900 - however I woke up to rain, looked at the weather and it was just going to get worse for the day, so I abandoned my 240 mile day I had planned as it was mostly in the direction of the worst of the weather and decided to leave before it got even more miserable. I still had a nice ride home in the rain, but did the 3 hours or so in my full waterproofs, only stopping for some fuel in Sennybridge trying to outrun it :rofl:. It did, of course, stop raining about 5 miles from home :person_facepalming: :laughing:.


£30 seems pretty good even if it does look like a shed.

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It was a very nicely equipped shed :+1:. No bad thing to have a door that locks if you’re leaving kit about either.