What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Beautiful shot there; nice to hear you’re out and enjoying the sunshine. Long may it last!


Thanks. I hope we gets lot’s of good weather soon, or at least Europe does because I’ve got my first ever continental trip in 2 weeks and the alpine passes look like they’re still going to be under snow. We’re also camping, so I’ll count myself lucky if it’s mostly dry, with any sun to being a bonus. :slight_smile:


Good to see you back, but there’s no woolly mouse in that rather fine shot you took! :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Don’t fret, I assume leaving in 2wks, so nearer 3 by the time you get down to the alps. You stand a good chance by then of “squeaking” through. :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ve always planned on last couple of weeks in June to be a safe bet that they’re clear.
And global warming should be on your side. :slightly_smiling_face:
Have a great time and send us a few photos of that stunning scenery. :+1: :+1:

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In lieu of taking the Sprint GT rear hub assembly apart and checking everything is in good order, I tightened the chain that has gone very slack very quickly. I suspect it’s knackered. We shall see. I want to find out so I know whether to replace the chain and sprockets while the hub is on the bench.

Circlip pliers arrived today. Had a quick check on fleabay for a staked nut but no joy there.

Also, tried starting the Street Triple after a long layoff only to find the extension reel had tripped and the battery wasn’t charging. Enough juice to light it up but not turn it over. It’s busy reconditioning now. :crossed_fingers:


Good to see you back. Late May should be okay for most alpine passes, although I have been caught out a few times.

Short evening blast to scrub the tyres in a bit. What a gorgeous evening :grinning:


Those road 6’s agreeing with you?

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It was only about 50 miles, Wim, so limited experience yet, but felt good :blush:
Seem to turn in quicker than the 5’s but that could be because the old ones were worn I suppose.
Will get some more (proper) miles on this weekend :grinning:
How are the injuries? :crossed_fingers:

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Healing slowly mate. But with the help of my new friends Diclofenac and Oxycodon I’m able to potter about the house a bit. Just takes time I guess.


Found you a staked nut mate :wink:


Had a run down the A49 today for a brew at Ma Bakers. On the way home just near Oulton Park turning had a FFS moment with a stupid woman who pulled out of the garden centre in front of me. Emergency stop required, barely missed her. She drove off oblivious of the fact.

It seems that more and more this is happening on rides. Driving standards are slipping badly :slightly_frowning_face:


Glad you are ok Steve. Could have been another drop out from the Ireland trip!


Yes it could have been a lot worse.


FFS. Cagers are blinkered these days.

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Garden centres are one of my self - appointed “danger zones”. If the car entering or exiting is a Honda Jazz it increases the danger in my mind :grimacing:.


Yesterday Helmut and I took the Nightstorm and the Street Triple and went for a little jaunt round Wales; we popped in at the Baffle Haus just as it was opening (it was busy already at that time in the morning!) then made the short hop across to the Honey Cafe. Helmut had an appointment at 1400hrs but it was still great to get out in the gorgeous sunshine. The real bonus was making it home before the thunderstorms arrived :partying_face:.


They’re lying in wait everywhere!
A short clip from one of my rides last week… :man_facepalming:t2:
Video upload work around
(if it works?)


It does work; they really do lie in wait everywhere!!!


It works - the blinkered feckers are obviously not confined to the continent! :rage: