What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Love the title :joy:


That is why I went back to bed yesterday morning, if I go out it tends to be early morning and yesterday the weather was shite until 10.00am.
I like to be out on the road whilst all the shite drivers are still in bed…and back in bed when all the shite drivers get out on the road.


Today me and Mrs Mouse headed to the Cotswolds. Unfortunately our planned picturesque picnic turned into a roadside affair on the Fosse Way…

It’s looking like an ECU problem, hopefully ‘just’ caused by a corroded or broken electrical connection in an inaccessible place, I’ll start a thread in the ‘workshop’ section to chronicle affairs.

I’ve got 10 days to fix it before getting on the ferry to Europe…


Oh dear - hopefully you’ll identify the issue swiftly.


Good luck sorting it. I have every faith :slightly_smiling_face:


I hope the fix is a quick and cheap one @BrownMouse :crossed_fingers:.

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Oh no - hopefully not too much of an issue :frowning_face:

Good luck for the issue hunting.


Today I’ve been trying to get access to the ECU but getting stuck with getting the swingarm out…


Wow! impressive disassembly !

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I’ve been here before. Had to drill out a sheared bolt from ‘inside’ the frame.

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Wow, really?..
And I thought my bike(s) were inaccessible!
At least you’re not doing it in the middle of europe.


Not today (it rained!!) but managed to get out yesterday for a short ride. Just turned 8k miles - disgracefully low for a 25 year old machine!


Immaculate looking machine, good sir!


that white/orange color theme is looking very good.


Duw Wim! The lens does lie - a little - but it is in good condition for its age. There are, of course, some signs of age - inevitable, I suppose - but it is a really lovely machine to ride.

Hope your recovery progress is good and that all your wounds are healing.

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Thanks Hubaxe. Yes, the colour scheme is bright and bold and definitely suits the machine.

I did a few more tests and experiments today in the forlorn hope that I could fix bike. As I’ve now run out of ideas I decided to go the route of gambling on a new ECM (aka ECU).

I rang the nearest Triumph dealers where I got bike from and they didn’t answer on two tries, typical from my experience. So rang next most convenient dealers and they were fantastic. Getting an ECU in for me to collect tomorrow (fingers crossed) and after hearing my plight managed to squeeze me in to their ‘fully booked’ workshop next Thursday (day before my ferry to Europe) to do the programming, and even try and diagnose problem if that’s not it. I’ll name and post a review of dealers when this episode is over.

Now all I’ve got to do is work out how to get bike to dealers next week…


Whereabouts are you? Do you have a vehicle with a tow hitch? If so, I’d be more than happy to do a half way meet, hand over my trailer for a few weeks - i.e. till you’re back from your holiday - then do the trip again to collect it when you return?

PM me if you wish, but the offer stands. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ignore that last - just seen the other thread enquiring about transport services!