What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Looking good! The 750 Trident is a really nice bike to ride and very different - in ‘character’ - to its more popular 900cc sibling. In some ways it ‘feels’ quicker than the 900 but that’s probably down to the way the short stroke engine spins up. You’ll no doubt be aware that, fundamentally, it is by and large the same componentry as the more popular 900 model - all of the cycle parts are (AFAIK) interchangeable - and, therefore, subject to the same ‘no longer available’ status from the factory or main dealers so scouring the internet for parts is going to be a way of life. These people are really good for used original parts

You’ve probably already got Sprint Manufacturing bookmarked - they do a lot of repro and remanufactured parts and have a lot of knowledge and experience of the range. For stuff like braking system components they’re really good and Trevor is very knowledgeable on the early Hinckley range.

On the subject of brake parts, I notice that your bike has the original brake disc rotors fitted. If you’re interested in recouping some money on them, and they’re in spec. and are good useable condition, I’d be interested in negotiating a deal. I’ve got 3 Tridents so getting factory original parts is a serious issue and a constant background activity! PM me if you’re interested. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll follow your progress with interest - have fun!


I’ve got one of the front brake calipers off my Speed Triple in bits. One of the pistons was sticking, so giving a good cleaning. Not sure if I will replace the seals as they all look in very good condition.


Took Speedy for a run up through Broughton to Coniston and on to Bowness where I parked on the Glebe, same place as @stevelovatt was yesterday!
Plenty of bikes there today too.
Then down the Lyth Valley road to snoop at the Volvos for sale.
I am sooo out of practice, must get more miles in​:blush::motorcycle:
Only took one photo and it was crap so binned it.


After 3 days in Wales earlier this week I wasn’t planning on going for a ride this weekend, but today was a sunny Sunday with temperatures of 17°C forecast so it felt like I’d be breaking some sort of biker’s law by not going out for a ride :laughing:

With temperatures like that I decided to dig out my summer gear, so with riding jeans, leather jacket and open face helmet I set of to pootle around the local lanes for an hour or four.

I’ll probably be glad I went out today because this coming week the temperatures are dropping 10 degrees and going back to be freezing overnight with some sleet forecast. :frowning:


Cheers Adie, Looking forward to trying it out,(if it works), I have heard the 750 is slimmer, and as you say sporter feeling. Thanks for the leads. The Brake discs are in spec, but at least until I get everything else tested and working, will have to stay where they are. Let me get her running.
The headlight bracket aint right but the second hand ones are just under £100.00. So wrong is right atm.

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“Cheers Adie” Pleasure, sir.

“I have heard the 750 is slimmer, and as you say sporter feeling” I’m 99.9% certain that the two machines wore EXACTLY the same clothes on EXACTLY the same chassis - the ONLY difference being badges, colour variants and the power output & torque figures. So, the physical dimensions will be identical with a marginal difference in weight for the 750. Happy to be proven wrong ( I often am) of course.

No worries on the brake discs - not in any hurry - but will remain interested and willng to deal when, or if, you’re ready … who knows, you might get bitten by the “originality” bug and not want to sell parts but restore it to original appearance. That would NOT be easy, I have to tell you - some of the major items have been NLA for many years, not least the original MOTAD silencers; the indicators; the airbox, etc., etc.

Regardless, they can be addictive to own and ride - bags of character; sound wonderful; look superb (I know, eye of the beholder and all that!) and now command a lot of attention as they mature gracefully into their thirties …

Just think, the people who were born when these bikes were first made are now ‘mature riders’ with wives, kids and, likely, a Jap sports weapon in the garage which they use to escape the kids on a sunny Sunday morning!

Have fun and keep the updates coming.


I am green with envy of all of you folk who have been getting out on your bikes in the last few days. This weekend was a brief window of spring-like weather before a return to the usual brass monkeys. Ideally I would have dug the bike out of hibernation on Saturday for a thorough clean, and gone out for a nice sunny run today.
Alas, the carpet fitters are coming to my late mother’s house near Stranraer on Monday and Tuesday, so the memsahib and I have had to spend the last two days over there (60 miles away), scrubbing floors and skirting boards. What joy. Grrrr…


Actually I think I got confused with the Suzuki 750 and the 7/11 a mate has, we got speaking about "why would you put a bored out 1000 GS into a 750 frame and that was the answer -slimmer- so I got me 750s mixed.
I havnt ever had the engine running so goodness knows what kind of problems await. E.G. discs could even be warped. I rebuit a 955 RS back to factory a few years ago, and Im not keen on spending like that again.
Once they are done its keep it or lose money.
My exhausts are original I think, but scratched and marked, this is a oily rag with some new bits. I had to buy the airbox snorkels, got some Indicators which I havent fitted yet (cheap to).
You are certainly whetting my appetite.
Although I am trying to stay calm cosits not going to be straight forward Im sure.

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Triumph and Benelli to be exact :blush:


Need your help guys, please

Is this fuel tank colour -;


or this?

  • Nightshade Met.
  • Cobalt Blue
  • None of the above
0 voters

Thanks. :grinning: :thinking:

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Sorry, I won’t help… colourblind :zany_face:


Looks like Cobalt Blue to me…I bet @Iron would know!

I’m colourblind as well.

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I’m afraid I know nothing about these new fangled machines. I’d say it was mostly yellow.
My advice would be to pick the colour you want and paint the whole thing. It’ll match then.


Well the tank is obviously early Hinckley, so going by the TRI code numbers my money would be on the Nightshade.
I’ll have a rummage in my old catalogues, see if that sheds any light…

Colour hasn’t reproduced from the catalogue very well, but “Nightshade” was used on Trophy’s and Sprints around the mid 90’s. :+1:


The problem(s) here will be that :-

a) that might not be the original bike’s original tank - and the modular build philosophy means it could have come from a Trident; Sprint; Daytona; Trophy

b) that modular approach lasted throughout T300 production so not only could it be a tank from one of several models/variants it could be one from any number of production years!

“My advice would be to pick the colour you want and paint the whole thing. It’ll match then.”

Iron’s nailed it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks guys.
I approached a Auto Repair / Sprayer, guy and he was to busy, so I can paint it but it wouldnt be as good a finish as factory.
If I could leave the tank and paint the rest to match, the tank would hold the whole thing up ( grasping at straws).
May also by Pacific Blue Pearl.
I have been thinking that the modular build proccess would help when looking for parts, and it has, till now.
Oh well 1st world problems. Cheers.

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The guy that repainted my Fireblade fairings and Helmut’s Tuono tank is fantastic and very reasonably priced… he’s in Bromsgrove though…