Not sure if it is my phone, but I’m not seeing the pictures.
Sorry, @Wessa can’t help with the phone thing as I can’t check 'cause I don’t have a smart phone thing.
Something for @Octoberon to look into
But it’s worth fixing as @PatW has my bobbly feet spot on…
Not seeing anything wrong at this end.
Thats the chief designer at BMW!
His first name’s Eyzah…because…
A post was split to a new topic: Missing images
Takes ages this…I’ll be glad when the clutch parts get here
Cut, crimp, solder, heat shrink (twice) and connect. And repeat…over…
Neat clean tidy, easy to see time was taken.
Are you going to keep this bike Iron?
It’s a brilliant article this …!
Thanks for sharing it.
I expect it’ll be going up for sale to fund the next project.
Glad you’re enjoying the build, fingers crossed and it all works at the end. No spoilers
How many kidneys do I have to sell to be able to afford it? (And do they have to be mine… )
Plan is to make a book from this thread - even if it’s just the one copy to live with the bike alongside it’s original piston display
So, assuming this will be in the book and I’m now reading it, I wouldn’t want the end to be in the middle. (even though I’d probably know whether it works when I’m reading the book)
I’d like it to be a nail biting end
WTF am I on about?!! No wonder I live in the garage
Honest, cross my heart, it’s live…over…
This bike could be the 2024 photography prize.
Just a thought….
Best get practicing then!
Good enough. Thats put my mind at rest.
It could’ve been but @Octoberon has said he’s already got something lined up for the prize next year. Sorry
You’ll notice my cunning ploy to not actually say it is so I can change my mind without anyone being any the wiser.